this is my alfawise u20. my first and only 3d printer for now. it is responsible for doing most of the work on my iron man mk45 build. its heavily modded (and still an ongoing build) and the only stock parts left are the frame, motors, belts and the heated bed.
it's been almost constantly working for the past year since i got it because i cant have too many 3d prints (im running out of space in my room, send help). still working fine even though it comes up with some problem that takes a week to fix once in a while but im very happy with it and ill keep using it until it breaks, and even then ill fix it again.
my future plans for it are fitting a bltouch (cant believe i haven't done that yet), installing a new screen and getting a raspberry pi so i can run octoprint on it instead of on my pc.
anyway here are some photos:
the printer

my mark 45 build

and some random stuff i printed with my machine

and since the giveaway post requires here is the manufacturer website:
and the facebook group: