DO3D has done a good job so far of updating many of their past models to include magnet inserts. However, it seems that the Hawkeye Ronin Mask from the "Hawkeye Avengers Endgame Ronin Armor" files doesn't have any. I purchased them last month and I would appreciate if they could update the files to include magnet inserts. I would also appreciate if they could recut the Sword so the blade can be printed separately and inserted into the hilt, as well as an insert for a rod to be inserted in the middle for stability like they have done for their other sword designs, such as the Moon Knight Layla Sword. There are some other pieces of the set that I think can be improved by being separated into smaller parts to be printed, such as the forearm shooter, bow, and the quiver. I'm also not sure what the difference between the files "shooter top forearm left" and the "WELDED shooter top forearm left" are as the seemingly appear to be the same file. I know that the Hawkeye Ronin armor is not as popular as their other files, but I would greatly appreciate if they could update the files to include the same useful features that is found in their other file sets.
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Update Hawkeye Ronin set, and questions regarding files.
Update Hawkeye Ronin set, and questions regarding files.
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