This is the MakerMade 300 from https://www.makermadecnc.com/product/the-makermade-3d-printer-mm300/
It was the first 3d printer I’ve owned and I’ve learned a lot through owning it. Mostly how to replace every functional part of the printer. If I had to go back and buy it again, I would buy a CR10 or Ender 3. The best part of the MakerMade 300 is the flush cutters it came with. Their customer service helped me figure things out on my own by not responding for weeks at a time.
The three wooden tools on the print bed are from amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075H345VK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
and they have been super helpful cleaning up support material on the occasional successful print on the MM300 and I highly recommend them.
I think that for a good cleaning in the house you can use a good robot vacuum cleaner. It will help you easily get rid of dust in the house and will be able to keep your house clean well! I recommend you to read the reviews on cleanup.expert and choose the most suitable robot vacuum cleaner for yourself! I hope my advice will be useful to you!
Wow, useful information, especially about clean materials! You know, this thought led me to clean my house and buy such a printer! Help me find good devices that will help me in cleaning the house!