tinkercad.com is a wonderful website for beginners as one of the pros is the tutorials and the cons that advanced individuals may need to learn a new program and it’s workings. I am working on a mask to protect against sickness based off the models at stopthedrop contest!

Wooden handles complement various knife styles, including paring knives, damascus cooking knives, and cleavers, providing flexibility for diverse cooking needs.
I know of an article that gave tips on how to have fun at home. One of the tips was to take care of things you keep putting off: cleaning, organizing your space, minor repairs. The article https://www.whingewhingewine.co.uk/what-to-do-at-home-33-ideas-so-you-dont-die-of-boredom.html also mentioned trying a new hobby or finally taking on something you've wanted to do for a long time. They also mentioned online courses that can be helpful and fun.