I have the whole suit STL files but the helmet I need edited into an actual usable file the same way ironman/spiderman helmets are cut into parts that snap together because they cant just sit on like the mandalorian "bucket" Where would i go or who would i go to, to have my helmet file turned into an actual useable printable? Mostly to be very crude to what im looking for is to have the whole faceplate removed and theres like a chinstrap peice on the inside I need cut out, and maybe smooth out the inside, but im getting picky at that point,
If anyone can help i would be so blessed!!

Şimali Karolina Bingonun son tarixləri: Şimali Karolinada xeyriyyə təşkilatları vəsait toplamaq üçün binqo təklif edə bilər, lakin bir çox qanunlara əməl etməlidirlər Pin up az.