Hey guys, my name's Caio, i'm from Sao Paulo, Brasil. I would like to share my project with you. When I started the armor, in June of last year, it was in the interval between two things, I had just finished the Stormbreaker and would start Thanos' dual blade sword, but I wasn't convinced, I wanted something more challenging, I wanted to know how far I I would be able to go, I needed something extreme ... and then the idea of starting the armor came.
It was simply because of that, wanting a real challenge.
The model chosen was not by chance, it is one of the most difficult to make.
So I needed not only files that had a high level of detail, but I needed everything to make sense by putting everything together. So this is it, this is a hero thing, and the world needs the next iron man. SOCIAL: facebook.com/CAIOCDK

FILES: Do3d Mark 85 V1 / Do3d Stark Nano Gauntlet / Do3d New universal Hands
Tevo Tornado Gold
Nozzle: 0.4
Nozzle Temp: 200c
Bed Size: 30X30X40
Bed Temp: 60c
Layer H: 0.2 / 0.3
Infill: 5% / 10%

The process for me, I started assembling all the armor, seeing how everything fits and what the limit of movement I would have.
The files by default are 1.88m, I am 1.62m .. in other words, the armor would have to decrease by around 20cm or I would manage to grow 20cm..hahaha
Recalling that, I would need to know what would be used inside the armor, lining, wires, lights, batteries, motors, arduino, I would have to have an extra space, adjusting to my measure would not help much, because there would be no space left even for breathing .. but a very large space, it would be out of my goal, which is the whole thing making sense in my body .. it would have to be EXACT.

But it wasn't just reducing everything evenly, it doesn't work like that, each part has its scale, so it was necessary to work part by part .. waist, ribs, chest and etc.
I start adjusting by the waist, it is the part that will get closer to the body and from there the other parts will gradually increase. Here, you will use much the tape and other things to take measurements of every part of your body repeatedly, because it's just that in this process or everything will be very right or everything will go very wrong.
One piece out of measure, a detail overlooked and you can possibly have a lot of wrong parts and have spent a lot of time and money.
What helped to adjust everything for 3 to 4 full days, a program called Armorsmith Designer, you can generate an avatar with your measurements approximately, but the program has problems loading all the pieces into it, so I exported the avatar created to use in 3DBuilder or Meshmixer for example.
I used a piece called COSPLAY CALIPERS (it was necessary to print), and it helps to take more accurate measurements of the body parts.
Other than that, measuring tape and I did small tests, like printing just a few layers of certain pieces to measure, so I don't waste material and time printing everything at once and running the risk of going wrong.
PRINTING 3D printing is not extremely difficult, but it is not an exact science, the process of creating something like this, is more than simply choosing the model, printing everything, painting and assembling ..

printing anything takes time, printing pieces of this size, in the proportion of a human, takes much longer.
You will have pieces shattered, problems like a clogged nozzle, parts dropping from the printing table while they are running, etc.
It is important to remember that depending on the size of your machine, the parts will need to be divided into parts, for example, the back of the armor was divided into 4 parts, the arms in two, this will all speed up, facilitate and save time. print out.

At the beginning it was complicated, there were several moments where I almost gave up (especially when the breast plate fell on the floor and broke in half), but after a certain point of time and money invested, there was no turning back, the only way was to follow ahead, finish or finish ... and bigger than that, the goal now was to do something unique ... something to take the game to the next level.
Post Processing Specs

Super Glue / Epoxi Glue Epoxi Resin Electric sander with 150, 200, 400, 600. Spray Primer Metal Gray Honda Civic Metal Red Peugeot Metal Gold General Motors 2K high gloss varnish After printing everything, I glued the pieces that were divided into more pieces and put a quick dough on the joints.
And it is at this point, that it gets extremely annoying.
A lot of dirt, but a lot of dirt .. hours, days, sanding and sanding and still at the end of it all, I needed more sanding work.
After printing everything, I use epoxy resin, two layers, to give the pieces greater durability and help to reduce the sanding work .. wood paste also works and has a more pleasant smell .. lol

And after that, the sanding work starts, here I had to be careful, because the heat generated can deform the pieces and even make holes, I started at 150 and went up to 600, alternating with the application of primer to have a good result and little by little the lines of printing disappear ... but it is something that requires a lot of time.

When I thought I was in a good spot to start painting, it comes with the choice of colors and some tests to make sure it would be in the tone I want.
Unlike other armor, MARK85 is not chrome, it does not shine or reflect like a mirror, it has a satin appearance.
Important: The environment needs to be protected so that it does not get in a strong wind, raise dust and ruin your work.
Some layers of primer to hold the paint, silver metallic base / base, and comes the famous red and gold, to finish, varnish layer.
All paints are automotive, so you need equipment capable of applying this type of material, compressor, HVLP gun, etc.

LET THERE BE LIGHT The MK85 "endgame" has an automation system controlled by arduino and other things. 2X Arduino nano V3 1x Servo Motor MG 995 1X Bluetooth Module 6x 18650 Batteries 1x 9V Batterie Neopixel 5v WS2812B Led Strip for Weapons Standart high brightness led with thermal chip 5v High brightness led eyes The painting was ready, parallel to that, a friend and I were already working on electronics, I had a deadline, and it was getting tight.
The idea was to use arduinos to control everything, to have bluetooth, voice commands, everything that could be implemented in it.

The choice of lights was a marathon, but in the end, high-brightness leds on the 6500K body, and WS2812B neopixel led strip on the "wings", the problem with all of this was the system power, nothing seemed to meet the need. (And maybe even today I look for some way to have more energy..hahaha)
In the end, 6x 18650 batteries energize the entire armor.

The armor has an arduino with a circuit and bluetooth module in the front, controlling the lights and the Servo motor that stays in the helmet and opens and closes the faceplate, this is all connected by a switch button in the left hand, together with the button that opens and closes the helmet.
In the wings, since they are removable, they needed to have their own system, so, another arduino that receives 7 light signals, all commanded by a switch button in the right hand and a button to change between the code light effects.
Putting it all together

The journey was almost over ... it was enough to put everything in the body, hide the wires, together and make it mounted while I move ... it seems simple close to what I had already done, but this is where the art of improvisation, because before everything came together, and now after so much sandpaper, paint and threads, not everything is the same.

Basically it was necessary to make a vest with several fastening clips, where some parts are attached.
Other than that, I lined some things with 10MM EVA to help fix it better and prevent it from getting hurt, I used a rubber mat to cover the joints of the knees, arms and armpits.

Wow, the Iron Man Mark 85 "Endgame" figure looks amazing! It's awesome how detailed it is. By the way, if you're into cool gadgets like that, you might also be interested in something practical like a portable power station. A portable power station can keep all your devices powered up on the go, just like how Iron Man always stays ready for action! Check out the options at Bluetti Power for some great choices.
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will you please share the 3d files with us.
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Couldn't fine the files you described here on do3d : ''Do3d Mark 85 V1 / Do3d Stark''. Where did you buy them? Do you have a link or can sell me the files?
will a skinny 14 year old that is 6 foot 1 and 1/2 inches tall fit in it
I saw the video on reddit! It took cosplay to another level.
Certainly, deserves to have more shares
I came on instagram.
Probably the best mark85 model ever made.
It is really impressive.
It looks like it came straight out of the movies. Great skills Caio!
This is a really cool suit and concept but I think you scaled it to your body to much. It makes the proportions look really odd. Maybe you could print the arms and legs a little bigger? I believe they're supposed to look like muscles. It just lends to making the helmet look huge on you.
regardless it's fantastic work! I love the big backpack thing.
Thank you for keeping us updated with your build!
Amazing!!! Sensacional!! Congratulations!! Parabéns!!