I've been 3d printing for just over 2 years now and started out with the Crealiity CR-10. I've had very little issues over that time in terms of quality and would very much recommend it to anyone starting off. However, I do like printing helmets and finishing them up to add to my growing collection, so the print bed would be my only issue. I would like something with a bit more space so I don't have to slice my files up and have to try hide seams after. In terms of filament, my go to is Prima filaments which you can get directly from their site or on amazon. I've used them since buying my printer and have had no problems as of yet. Decently priced at around €20 too.
I've finished these helmets in the past year between work and college and am currently working on the Mandalorian helmet and Captain Rex from star wars in lockdown. Thanks to Do3D for the 3d files for some, definitely my go

to for any 3D work!